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Upcoming Events
Golf Road Clean Up
TJ Maxx
Aug 27, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
August Board Meeting with Governor Bill Kmiecik
Aug 29, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Club Meeting: Governor Kmiecik's Visit
Aug 30, 2022 7:30 AM
Club Meeting: New Member Intro's: Vai & Hillary
Sep 06, 2022 7:30 AM
Club Meeting: Putting Fed Policy in Perspective
Sep 13, 2022 7:30 AM
225 Greenwood Street, Evanston
Sep 18, 2022
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Club Meeting: Taste of Evanston Celebration +
Sep 20, 2022 7:30 AM
Club Service 8:30-9:30AM
Sep 21, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
International Service Committee Meeting
Sep 26, 2022
7:15 AM - 8:30 AM
Club Meeting: The Status of Polio Eradication
Sep 27, 2022 7:30 AM
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Meeting Notes for Aug. 30, 2022
The Light for August 30, 2022
By Neil Gambow
President Kathy called the eighth meeting of the year to order at 7:30 a.m. on the dot with the ringing of the bell and read the statement concerning the indigenous people who lived on the land we occupy here. 
Marv Edelstein - read “Why We Are Rotarians,” followed by the thoughts for the day addressing the divided world we live in.  Bryan McGill says one of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.
Patrick Mbullo – Patrick has completed his doctorate with Northwestern and is moving on to York University in Toronto for his post-doctorate program.  This was his last meeting with us and he expressed his sincere gratitude for our welcoming him into our club and for his five years with us.  Good luck, Patrick, and stay in touch.  Kathy Tate-Bradish is hosting a celebration party Friday night, September 2.
Bill Glader – Taste of Evanston continues to be in full swing:
  • He and his team have met with the sound crew and they will also be helping with the wi-fi so people can be on the silent auction items at the event. 
  • Please keep selling tickets – we are at 200 with a goal of 500. 
  • Next week, there will be a pot-luck dinner to finalize many of the event issues.
  • The silent auction is live.  If you are outbid on an item, you will get an email that you have been outbid.  Bid often!!!  We already have 38 items and expect the count to be 50 by the time of the event.
Bruce Baumbereger – Holiday Sale Update:
The floral products we sold over the years are available at several locations, including the Windy City Garden Center.  A complete list will be available soon. The citrus we sold over the years will be available through the Park Ridge Rotary Club. 
Kathy Tate-Bradish – Send any fund-raiser ideas, especially if they are less labor-intensive. 
Dan Coyne -  implored everyone to stay strong and keep finding creative ways to bring peace to our broken world.  One of his kindergarten students at D65 was shot (we all know the story with its tragic end).  We need more peacemakers. 
Jean Saunders - Hopefully, we have noticed the 12 new signs highlighting Evanston as the headquarters of Rotary International.  We have a great debt of thanks to Patrick Hughes for suggesting this to the City.  If anyone takes a selfie next to one of the signs, send it to Kathy Tate-Bradish and she will post them at some point. 
Roasts & Boasts
Bryant Wallace – Boasted Dr. Patrick Mbullo for completing his studies. 
Albert Menard – Boasted everyone who came out for the Golf Road Clean-up last Saturday.
Speaker: District 6440 Governor Bill Kmiecik
Governor Bill started out by presenting a flag from Jennifer Jones, RI President, so we can welcome her at some point when she visits.
So imagine you are on a road trip with your significant other and maybe some friends.  You listen to a podcast about an illness caused by a virus in a foreign country and then you forget all about it.  Then you find out that the virus is Covid 19 and it is here in the USA.  It changed their world overnight.
Have you ever wondered how many things have changed your life overnight or how many things will change your life overnight that you don’t know about?  The Rotary vision statement: Together we see a world where people unite to create lasting change across the globe in our communities and in ourselves. 
How has your time in Rotary changed you? One of the things that has changed Governor Bill  is the people he has met both inside and outside Rotary.  Not in his business career, as those people are different, especially in the way they approach work.  The people he is talking about approach things with enthusiasm.  When you ask them what kind of work they do when they are in a Rotary setting, you can tell they really like what they do.
He went on to talk about some of the people who exemplify the concept of service above self.
  • Randy WeirHe is a member of the Park Ridge Rotary Club and is on the D6440 global grant committee.  He goes to great lengths to help clubs write global grant proposals.
  • Shawn Nelson – He is a member of the Wheaton Rotary Club.  We all know him as the RYLA chair for D6440.  This program is one of the top RYLA programs in the country.  He let Mike know he took a job in Michigan.  After the shock of this relocation, Shawn said he was going to continue to do our RYLA program.  That is how much he lives and dies for that program!  Service above self!!
  • Linda Bordan Linda has been a Rotarian for 15 years and has served on just about all the club positions and several at the D6440 level.  She set an example of how happy a person can be.    
Governor Bill had the privilege of traveling on four trips to various site, including Ak’ Tenamit, Guatemala, and Peru.  In Peru, he was digging a foundation for a school.  By the end of the week, the local people said the Rotarians were the first white people that had done anything other than ask if they could take their picture.  His last trip was to a school in Uganda with the goal of providing each student with a pound of protein that they did not have by installing hydroponic tanks to raise tilapia.  
His job was to build a fence around the tanks.  There he met a young man who helped build the fence.  He was wearing flip-flops or at least part of them.  He gave that student his cheap flip-flops, who returned the favor by presenting Bill with a live chicken!  Bill had given him a gift and the young man was returning the favor.  Sometimes we change the world and sometimes the world changes us. 
Have we given Rotary the opportunity to change us?   Don't miss the opportunity to see what Rotary does across the world in your community and yourself, because it is a great, great organization.
One of RI President Jennifer Jones’ initiatives is DEI.  We are well-versed in this.  Bill plans to have all D6440 clubs involved with DEI, which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Online presence is important and let people know it is OK to come to a Rotary meeting.  A third initiative is the “Empower Girls” initiative.  A district meeting is being set up to bring more focus on this. 
Bill’s goals include increasing membership, especially young people.  Encourage clubs to collaborate.  Encourage participation in the Rotary Foundation.   
Guests and Milestones
Visiting Rotarians
Governor Bill Kmiecik
Tracy Timer – Assistant Governer, D6440, and a member of the Evanston Noon Club
Ira Graham, Sept. 5
Club Anniversaries 
Hillary Hufford-Tucker, 1 year, Aug. 31, 2021
Dieneba Soma, 13 years, Sept. 1, 2009