In a return to pre-pandemic times, Kathy explained that she will be ending each Tuesday morning meeting (including the Zoom recording) at 8:30 a.m. in order to foster post-meeting conversation. While Zoomers will not be able to ask as many questions of the speaker, those in attendance can engage the speaker personally or take advantage of the fellowship opportunity. It can be challenging to balance service with fellowship. This is being undertaken on a trial basis, so please let Kathy know your thoughts.
After reminding us that April is Rebuilding Together month, Don Gwinn announced that our club will be participating in Rebuilding Together (formerly Christmas in April) on Saturday, April 29. We will be working on a house on Greenleaf Street in west Evanston, clearing clutter, painting and doing minor repairs. While help is needed all day on Saturday, there will be additional opportunities for work on Friday and Sunday.
Clarence Weaver briefly summarized C&W Foundation’s efforts to fight food insecurity since March 2020, providing weekly groceries to more than 200 families. The ELRC, Evanston Community Foundation and others have helped fund these activities which will soon be expanding to include workforce development. Cocktails for a Cause, a fundraiser for the C&W Foundation, will be held on Thursday, April 27, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Woman’s Club of Evanston. More details (including opportunities for ticket sales and sponsorship) will be forthcoming! Clarence will also follow up with Craig Lynch of Y.O.U. for potential RYLA attendees.
Brien Johnson announced that the Wilmette Rotary Club's 2023 Fundraiser will once again be a Fun 5k Walk/Run in beautiful Gillson Park. It will be on Saturday, May 6, starting at 10 a.m. in the Wallace Bowl area of the Park. All proceeds will go to organizations that provide services to the homeless in our service area (including Connections for the Homeless). Registration fee is $50 per person, $100 for a Family, and $25 for Students. This will be a combined effort by the Rotary Club of Wilmette with assistance from the Rotary Club of Evanston, Evanston Lighthouse, Winnetka/Northfield and Wilmette Harbor. A pre-determined course will be set on Park grounds. Refreshments will be available. Click below for online Donations. There is a link to the Registration page from there. You can also register from their website, .
Thanks to Dan Coyne (who arranged the Firehouse Grill location), the Taste of Evanston Committee held a productive meeting on Monday. Bill Glader noted that there are just a few unfilled Captain positions – handling Social Media (largely focused on recognizing our restaurant partners) and Shelter Box liaison. Georgia Vlahos has already stepped in to help with the Raffle. Please contact Bill if you’re able to assist in these areas.
Community Service Chair Myra Janus noted that the next Community Service meeting will be held on Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the home of Susan Prout. This is an important meeting, as monetary decisions will be made. An email invitation will follow.
Chair Linda Gerber announced the next meeting of the International Service Committee – Monday, April 10 from 7:15 - 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. As always, it promises to be an interesting session! A District 6440 rep will explain the multiplier effect of our fundraising and several Ugandan partners will be present. Please contact Linda if you need the Zoom link.
If you avail yourself of muffins at a club meeting, Club Service Chair Joan Borg may tap you to bring muffins to a future meeting – or to be a Greeter in the hallway prior to our meetings. (Things ARE returning to pre-pandemic times!) Please help Joan if you can! A full breakfast may also be purchased in the lower level Rotary Café prior to our meetings.
Young Leaders Chair Chris Joyce (literally in the midst of hand and elbow surgery) in absentia noted that Friday, April 7, is the final date for RYLA applications. Please encourage any candidates that you know to submit their applications ASAP. Good luck, Chris!
Thanks to the ingenuity of Aimee Resnick, Interact Clubs in our District will compete for a $500 award and trophy to be presented at the District Conference. All Rotarians in the District are encouraged to nominate Interact Clubs who are doing good work!
Our speaker was Evanston Police Chief Schenita Stewart. Schenita Stewart grew up in Evanston and graduated from Evanston Township High School. Formerly the deputy chief of police for the East Dundee Police Department, she brings 23 years of law enforcement experience to Evanston, including 15 years in police leadership roles. Throughout her career, Stewart has focused on ensuring positive community partnerships, implementing best practices and policies, and budget development and management.
Please click on the following link to watch and listen to the presentation at click here._
Guests and Milestones
Visiting Rotarians
Robert Mardirossian – RC of Winnetka/Northfield
Other Guests
Jason Kaiser – Howard Area Community Center, returning former member!
Joanna Green – prospective member
Brien Marron – Rotary IT Business Operations employee, guest of Jean Saunders
Claire Moran – Marisa Naujokas’ daughter
Birthdays This Week
Ann Weatherhead – April 4
Carol Bild – April 7